Thursday, March 31, 2005

Don't know why I am picture nuts today, but this is one of my favorite pictures of kevin and i.....just cuz its a fun time. We went to Chicago for 4th of July last year....sun kissed. Posted by Hello

Notice the cocktails in mine and kevin's hands, very careful not to spill. This was our friend Hilary's Jewishhhhhh Housewarming Ball. What you can't see is the brand new Karoake Machine that rendered us social outcasts, we couldn't socialize, only sing.  Posted by Hello

This is Elaine. You see, at the end of each of our parties, there are usually the same set of people left over, who stay until the lights go out, or until the sun comes up. We usually dance our asses off, then pass out on the floor, couch...stool...whatever it takes. Back to Elaine. She majored in Gaelic dancing in college. She real good too.  Posted by Hello

The end of our annula holiday bash. Very very fun... Posted by Hello

Why can't i stop myself? Dumb movies seem so much fun to me. Posted by Hello

Touch it, yeah thats it ! Posted by Hello

Monday, March 28, 2005

hard to make a stand

This weekend we went to visit kevin's family in Virgina. We left Friday after work at 5, drove 5 hours - Saturday night was his mother's surprise birthday party. She was so happy and it was nice to see people having a genuinly nice time. We ate lunch yesterday and then left at 4, only to drive another 5 hours back to philly. I might add, that it rained the entire time we were away, the entire car ride, all rain. I hate hate hate riding and driving in the rain. Very stressful if you ask me. Regardless i ran in the rain yesterday, it felt wonderful because of all the food we ate all weekend. Gluttony at its most finest. When we go there i don't worry about the caloric intake, the cardo loading, nor the diabetic coma i may or may not go into. We just eat. Simply eat.

Which leds me to the next thing. Last week i decided to commit to trying to run a 10 mile marathon thingy here in philly. It's called the Broad Street Run. Just 10 miles, a fast 10 miles i am told. So i am training for that, sorta excited and scared all the same. It's on May 1st, so you'll have to deal with my updates as they come. No biggie.

In the meantime......whats up with the rain? I can't stand the rain.

Friday, March 25, 2005

guess where we will be next weekend? Posted by Hello

First, I guess you need to know something about them, The beautiful ones. The flawless four, everyone wanted to be them. You know'em, they went to you school, too. First there's Courtney "Satan-in-heels" Shayne and her pawn, the dense but dangerous Marcie Fox, a legend in her own little mind. Then there's angelic Julie Freedman, doomed to be popular because of her pretty face, and lastly, the teen dream herself, Elizabeth Purr. It's a shame what happen to Elizabeth Purr......
Posted by Hello

Does anyone remember this movie? One of my favorites of all time. Posted by Hello

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Natey Nightmare

I had a nightmare last night.
I was on the show survivor and so was kevin, and he out lasted me. It wasn't because I was voted off, it's because I fell of a post or something stupid in a challenge and that meant automatic discharge from the show.
I was so mad all night long at kevin for this. I would wake up to go pee or because the dog was moving around, and i would feel such anger at kevin for having lasted longer than i. It was real too. I couldn't understand why he would try to outlast, outwit, and outplay me.
I mean if anyone knows me, they know I would dominate at this sort of thing, that it's in the plans for me, that i was destined to be on some annoying reality tv show where i could show the world my inpatience and facial ticks. Why, oh why kevin?

At any rate as i told him of it this morning, he said "well it makes sense that i would last longer than you".

my real anger didn't start until then.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


In a far off galaxy, in a land far far away - Moby's "PLAY" was soundtrack to my life. It was first introduced to me by an alcoholic fling i had with an out of practice ballet dancer, as if as if. At the time I was not really interested in spending time with one person in particular, but i digress. He brought over this Banana Republic Cd with one of Moby's tracks on it. I played it out. (must i mention that i still have the cd in my collectionne) I thought it was the cat's meow, i played it i found out about the entire cd. Who was this Moby character? This elusive musician with clear gay sensibilities with clean aromatic melody?
I furthered my education of Moby while spending some time in NYC, the lower east side to be exactamudo......some of the most pleasant and satisfying memories to date. Anyway - dana scored a free givaway of the cd and i just loved it. I would listen to it and think of the movie "the beach" and just have general theatrical reactions to it.

Now i find myself doing the same thing.

Hotel is a good thing. It is a sequal, a new soundtrack to a new set of circumstances. My life, now. In the present.
Check it homey

Monday, March 21, 2005

it's in my blood

My grandmother went to the hospital yesterday - she has a really bad cold and it dehydrated her, come to find out something was wrong with her heart, not sure what yet, just an irregular heartbeat.
So I call her up to say hi and tell her i am coming to see her tomorrow. She tells me not to come and see her, that she is miserable and no use in me catching a cold. She also says that grandpop is sick too.
we talk some more, and she sounds absolutely terrible, just horrible. Makes you really scared and upset....but it's not about me at this point. Anyway - she goes on to say "why you outta see this woman on tv..she lost around 200 pounds"
i'm thinking to myself, good she is alert and stuff.. ...she continues,
"and her tits are down, all the way down to her waist..poor thing, it's awful"
good ole gram - shes doing alright, just alright. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

lift off. Posted by Hello

Random shot, good colors i think. Posted by Hello


So ...sorry for not writing, has been a bit nutso in the squirrel house lately.

Let's play a game - it's called
"Which prospective will the lawyers pick?"

Contestant #1: Avril LaVigne lookalike. Dyed red and blue hair, with a hoodie sweatshirt that says "HONOR" across the chest.

Contestant #2: RuPaul lookalike. Tall as shit, humungoid hands with lots of nail polish on them. Transgendered youth. Constantly pulling out a compact to make sure all make up is in place.

Contestant #3: Tracy Chapman lookalike. Of the homeless variety and activities that would lead you to think of schizoid personality traits. Talking to herself very loudly about the judge trying to trick us. Empties out her pockets which have about 4 packs of bent up cigarettes in them, 6 lighters and various pieces of paper torn out from magazines.

Contestant #4: ME.

They choose me. In all my glory. I am on the jury of a trial. Me me me. I am destined to become a lawyer now, i just know it. Those lawyers with all their fighting and bickering. I love it. Love it.

In other news. Noah is doing GREAT. thank you for asking everyone. He is wonderful.
Mario Vasquez has left us for good, Mariah's new cd is going to be pretty good i think, and our jury is in trouble. Because of one thing. The whole jury has to go everywhere together, which means my bowel movements are now subject to the ridicule of 13 strangers. WONDERFUL, JUST WONDERFUL.

Wednesday, March 9, 2005

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

Irony at the height of it's employment

Setting: 12th Street Gym

nate lifts his shirt in the mirror between sets of incline dumbell press and sighs loudly
Kevin: Nathan I really want you to go talk to someone about your self esteem. It's really bad and it is disturbing. You are not fat, you've never looked better and you can't stop yourself.
Nate: Stop it, i don't want to here it.
conversation continues on for 5 minutes or so. we continue to workout together, 2 minutes later kevin looks at Nathan and says:
Kevin: I look chuncky today don't I?

Sometimes you can't just look in the mirror, it has to fall down off the wall and give you 10 stiches across your forhead before you truly "come to the light" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2005

Too Much Is a Good Thing

Too much.
I was up last night until around 12:00 watching a movie. And couldn't go to sleep until after 1AM. All because of this damn thing. On Sunday night I programed it to tape a crapmazing movie. JEEPERs CREEPERs 2. So I stayed up and watched it alone, scared and slightly amused. The movie was pretty terrible. Not really scarey, but I did have to run from the kitchen when I turned out the light.
When Kevin and I watched the first Jeepers, we both thought that some wierd creature was actually going to come thru the TV and eat us alive, slowly. Totally screamed and had basically been stripped of all rational thinking skills we may have had. The same thing happened when we watched the remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Alright, I know, bad movies, but I love love love scary movies and will just about watch any of them. We like our other movies too, but love entertainment for what it's worth, not always about the artistic integrity of the production and plot itself.
Anyway with Texas, we both lost our shitza. and the boys in that were so...cute, not to mention that Jessica Biehl was pretty fun too.
Tonight we are going to a little get together. We were instructed to bring our favorite wine with us, and some print outs about the wine and information about it. Also to bring some food. It should be fun. I think one of our favorite wines is Rosemont Shiraz. Gonna go research it a little.

Monday, March 7, 2005

Nobody's Perfect

Cool I am
When I am with you
Cool I'm not
When I am lonely

I feel so sad
What I did wasn't right
I feel so bad
And I must say to you

Sorry, but
Nobody's perfect
Nobody's perfect
What did you expect
I'm doing my best

I feel so sad
But you know I'll be true
I feel so bad
And I must say to you

Sorry, but
Nobody's perfect
Nobody's perfect
I was dishonest
I will do my best

Cool I am
When I am with you
Cool I'm not
When I am lonely

Sometimes these lyrics mean more to me than others, but it's really interesting to see how many times I come back to these. For many reasons right now I can identify with feeling not perfect. I think this weekend broke me down - I am exhausted today and can't seem to focus on much. Just been thinking about how I really want for my coffee to start working. I mean, I have actually stopped whatever I was doing and stared at my coffee cup, wishing it to make magic. To enlighten me to motivation...
Alas, no magic here.
Just lyrics to a song that make you go hmmmmmmmmm.

Sunday, March 6, 2005

Introducing...Hilary J Posted by Hello

can you believe, a fountain of chocolate...i mean, can you ?  Posted by Hello

Saturday, March 5, 2005

haven't drank in over a year...yeah right....after the show. Posted by Hello

Real gay Nate Posted by Hello

the show was called "sew hot" ..lalala gay kevin  Posted by Hello

Friday, March 4, 2005

pad thai in august in Rittenhouse Square.....i want more pad thai, and lots of sun in Rittenhouse Square. Posted by Hello

It's almost 3Pm, I have a client coming in to see me, and all i want to do is run out of the office. It seems like there is a ton of stuff to do...get the tux's for tomorrow night, not to mention this fashion show thing tonight. Its really funny. We also have guests coming in, many pics to follow, hopefully - gotta be careful, we already lost the first digital to the drunk gods....not again. I am going to try and recruit a fan base for our thoughts, my thoughts, our lives. ITs fun, kev still ain't made it to a staging yet....we'll see...any day he'll just show up and won't be able to when i got my ipod this summer, i was to say ..addicted to it.....kevin was all "get off the computer" "enough with the ipod", but guess who can't stay away from it now? Mister man himself. Good times, now we can both obsess about the same thing, and not whether we left the coffee pot on (even have a timer on it), if the door is locked..ah yes. OCD - behvaior modification, or cognitive restructuring?

when things happen by surprise Posted by Hello

Thursday, March 3, 2005


As kevin is somewhat weary about having a "blog", i may be the only one writing here? i would hope that he will join us later in the season, but not sure what his character development might be could be like the giant monster thing on LOST, which is always a source of drama on the show, but is rarely seen.
Speaking of LOST, wtf? Confusion is really taking me over.
Things on my mind:
Thing 1 - Garbage has a new song released to back up their upcoming smallish tour. Philadelphia show is already sold out before I even knew about it. I am a huge Garbage fan, someone hook me up please. Thanks...for nothing.
Thing 2 - Kevin and I are supposed to be in a "fashion show" at PURE tomorrow night. It will showcase two friends stuff, one is established in Philly and the other is trying to start, most of his clothes are woman's though, so we are siimply the act while the woman change. I should have starved myself all week like Naomi or Kate, but i eat healthy all week. In fact I may turn into a big faggy burrito.
Thing 3 - my morning with Kevin and Noah today was wonderful.
Thing 4 - Noah is doing great. His motor capacities are coming back, somewhat slow, but he is really looking and acting much more like himself.

wedded bliss Posted by Hello

Adirondak McHot Posted by Hello

majesty Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 2, 2005

The Man of the Hour Posted by Hello

Tale of the Tail

On Monday night we came home from work, the gym, and grocery shopping. Noah (our 115 lb Golden Retriever) greeted us at the door, all wags and ran outside, slipping on the snow covered ground. How cute right? As it turns out, not cute at all. You see I started making some nice Turkey burgers with hummus and cranberry sauce (a fav at our local fag locale)...Kevin comes in and says to me " I think Noah had a stroke" "why do you think that kevin?"
Well as I watched Noah and saw the way he was moving it became clear. You see it wasn't the snow that he was slipping and slidding on outside. It was the fact that he basically had lost the capacity to use the right side of his body. I will never forget the sound of his poor legs draggin on the floor as he tried to greet us and give us love and wags.
The strangest thing is the way he just walks in circles. the same circle, without clear understanding that he is doing it. He just keeps going in the same circle.
Anyway, after much time spent at the vet yesterday and a referral to a specialist for doggies with neurological problems, this is what we found out. The vet said Noah had an infarction, either primary or secondary. He seems to think that the infarction is primary, which is good news, because if it were secondary it would mean that a tumor was the primary problem. So with the infarction being primary we should see Noah gain control of his body slowly over the next couple weeks, without incident again. So anyway keep your hooves crossed and pray to whatever you can to send the beast your love.