Wednesday, November 16, 2005

and..............we're off !!!!!!!!!

One of my all time fun - laugh - your - arse - off movies.

Home for the Holidays. And this scene stole my heart away. Holly Hunter in the car, with a left over jacket from her mom, her mom smokin away in the back seat...funny stuff man.

At any rate my purpose is to notify you all. The eagle has landed. Yes thats right, my mom and her man are currently in our house, neither me or kevin are home, so who knows what they are into..note to self - put lock on top right drawer of tv stand. or empty contents of said drawer.

Yes she is here and from what i gather did not enjoy the 8 hour drive. These rural people cannot, i repeat, cannot handle city driving at all. Its a shame really.

So tonight we eat well and rest up for our ny trip. Friday night kids....where to go? in the east village, anything fun and dirty? do tell.



Anh said...

Good luck surviving the holidays.

Anonymous said...

Home for the Holidays is the best movie ever. Total real life...your story, your best friend's story, the cat's story...etc. It is all there.
Parents staying over anytime of the year..uh,yep..home for the holidays. life...awwwwww cough