Thursday, June 2, 2005


So many things, so little motivation to talk about them.

1. I cannot stop listening to one of the new songs from COLDPLAY's new Cd. They are "leaking" it on Coldplay did this song on SNL two weekends ago and i got goosebumps immediatly, started to well up with tears.
Fix you, thats the name of the song.
Fix you.

2. My Teef.
One of my temporary crowns popped off yesterday, causing me to melt. One of the worst feelings you've ever had as an adult i tell ya. I mean, as a child you're used to teeth coming out. As an adult there is nothing i can compare it to. Makes me so upset, i cannot tell you. Any way i was eating a Strawberry, that's the best, most full tasting, Starburst.
I called a new dentist, as i have such transference issues with my old one and the pain she inflicted on me previously, and the new dentist office told me they could see me on Monday, and in the meantime I could use a little FIXODENT to hold it in place.
Fix o mutha dent.
Can you frickin stand it? i can't , let me tell ya. So here i sit with a tooth missing---- in the back of my mouth, but man.
Just Man.

3. We went away to the beach this past weekend, that is what the pictures are from. in the previous entries. A very different beach experience, than in the past. I was so relaxed and not partied out like we usually are at the beach. It was nice, really really nice and relaxing. I definately look like a character from star trek right now though, my forehead is all messed up from the sun.
Also ate like a pig pig pig. I mean downright sloven.
Dieting for two reasons -
15 year high school reunion,
P'town in August.
I am going to be comfortable in my body, i really am.
I am not fat, I have a gut, whether it be from food or other things, i cannot let all the work at the gym be ruined by a roll on my stomach. I do not have a disorder, I just want to reach the unreachable perfection that every gay magazine and every tv show presents to me.
So leave me alone and pass me the South Beach Mashed Cauliflower please..... and thank you.

4. Kevin is building a flowerbox in front of our house. That is all I can say about that.

5. Yesterday in the grocery store I had a very interesting exchange. For reasons I cannot explain I was dishonest.
Just follow me.
In the peanut butter isle. Kevin and I are addicts when it comes to peanut butter. Spoonfuls every night after the gym. He eats it with a fork, i prefer a spoon - sometimes we argue over which utensil to use.
I digress again.
This older gentleman looks at me and says " I am going away and I just don't know what size to get."
I tell him that it usually last long, that he should get any size he pleases, but that he should buy the generic brand, because it is the natural kind and it is really really tasty.

He tells me that he usually gets his from Whole Foods, not Superfresh.

I pause, then reach for the Skippy brand peanut butter. I say, very quickly, that the peanut butter is not for me (partial lie), that if it were for me then i would get the Superfresh Brand.

He says - you don't owe me an explaination, and who was i buying it for?
I said my roomate (lie #2)
He leans into me and says " often times, when two people are getting together.......romantically, that the true test of the relationship is the first trip to the grocery store."
I giggle.
I say....ha ha.
have a good trip.

Firstly - why did I say it was my roomate, and not my lover of 5 years,.....because I am fearful of upsetting an older man with my sexuality. I AM RIDICULOUS, as he clearly relayed to me that he was gay too..........I AM ANNOYING...........I was put on the spot and said something I would have said 10 years ago. Or was it that I hate saying the word "lover" or "boyfriend" and that it's easier to just say - roomate?
Secondly - why did i have to justify my purchase to him anyway - and why did he call me out on that?

Still - i neglected to tell him - the crunchy Superfresh brand was better than the creamy - but then again he bought Jiffy. Stubborn in't he?

lori were you feeling right about now lori? full from the cookies I am sure. Posted by Hello

a man and his dog Posted by Hello

total relaxation.... Posted by Hello

noah and the hair fucking cute is this picture? Posted by Hello

that toothbrush vibrates......and its the most foreplay hilary got all weekend....minus her sleeping with noah. Posted by Hello

oops she did it again....passing gas that kacy is always passing gas. Posted by Hello