Tuesday, June 27, 2006

he said, "baby whats wrong with you?"

today at the gym. i was there for about 45 mintues and went to do the backwards pec deck for my back and shoulders. As i stood there, i looked down and there was a lone brown sock.
I instantly blushed thinking it was mine and it must have been sticking out my shirt or pants, hidden from laundry day in the folds of my shorts...where ever. Completely embarassed. But yet could not confirm whether or not it was my sock. It looked like my sock. had blue lining on the tips like my brown socks. (and i only have two pairs of brown socks....)
I thought to pick it up to...what ? smell it to see if it belonged to me. realizing i couldn't do that...as i a) could not positively identify the sock by it's smell
b) could not smell someone else's sock...thats just frickin gross.
I was in a full fledged dilemma.
In the end, it sits in the gym still i am sure. I have perseverated about that sock all day long. I can't wait to go home and try to figure out if it was mine or some other poor sucker. I think i know it's mine.

Last night i found one of my journals from 1997 -1999. I have been reading it. I will post some deep thoughts from it in the next couple days.
Ridgley -

Friday, June 23, 2006

i give much more than i'd ever ask for.....

So this picture. It's how i've felt all week. I have been having something similar to what we'd call dizzy spells. It's mutated. Last week it was just happening in the afternoon for a minute or two at a time. Now it's constant. I went to the doctor's, he goes on vacation today for two weeks, and of course there is nothing to know yet. But it sucks. Brought me to tears yesterday. i also get a numbness in my hands.....so weird. I hate it. all. I can't concentrate at all, it's like I've had too much coffee and everything is all blurry....but it's not coffee and ...oh balls .
Today is a raging headache.
I am trying to be positive though, we'll see. Whatever.

THis weekend we're supposed to go to nyc and also have a party here in philly to say goodbye to a friend who is moving. I took off work on Monday, which is fun and nice and funny nice.

Two things:
Keane's new cd is great
Nelly Fartodo's new cd is great as well.
Better That U Leave is a song i just found, and LOVE !!!
Ain't No Other Man grew on me like fungi. I love it also.

Watched part of Jesus is Magic last night. Funny lady Sara Silverman is.

Alright sorry for lame postings peeps. Just not feeling well.
Love ya love ya.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

white wedding

come away with me

you turn me on pussycat

i am def into faster kill pussycat buziness. i dig it lots. I also dig the fact that today is wednesday. I also dig benetton's fitted dress shirts. big problem for me has been that sleeve length does not really coordinate with the overall size i wear. my torso wants a medium sized shirt, but my arms dictate a large or more. I know, the short answer to this is to get myself a good tailor, and i do need that, i know. Until then though i am into what united - ness can do for me.

in other news...pleasant is my new word. Life is pleasant right now. The last couple nights have been really nice and ....well just pleasant. Making new friends, dinners with old ones. I do have to say, the weather has everything to do with bright moods and piles of smiles (did i just say that? ) . So, pleasantly I move into summer planning still. It's been more difficult because where i want to schedule every free weekend with a beach or party, here or there, kevin is saying he wants to not be so nutty. Well. I dont' know what to think of that. Incomprehensible i say.

i also say that pork tenderloin with goat cheese is pleasant beyond my comprehension as well.

oh oh oh....yesterday i got the new christina song. i hadn't really gotten it, but yesterday i did, and i love it.


your bad ass.

Friday, June 9, 2006

i've asked you three times...play my mother F@# ing song

I cant' help myself. I just can't.
I am excited.

summer plans (parties, the sand, weddings, bodies, Ptown, Fire Island, pride in nyc)
good hair cuts
flip flops
connecting with old friends, making totally new ones
body products
tight clothers
bathing suits - banana slings as hilary calls them
coffee with lots of cream
our back patio
horseback riding
new rice treats from trader joes that i eat all in one sitting
coconut sorbet from whole foods
lanky accessories
fresh cut gardenias without ants on them
mentha lip shine
red flower body stuff
ginch gonch undies on my man and on me
discovering myself
learning more french
singing at the top of my lungs when i am alone in my house
pretending i am on "so you think you can dance?"

Thats all i know for now.
Oh, except that all week long i get so excited when i get out of the shower to put on my new products that i forget to put deodorant on.
Pit juice is not my friend on work days.

Thursday, June 8, 2006

no lyrics here, just wierd and quizical

can you name the men in this picture? Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 1, 2006

dark and dangerous like a secret that gets whispered in a hush

It comes to you at times when you least expect it. When your not really prepared to recieve your mind's thoughts. It's a ghost.
A passport to places you thought were long since gone - or at least you'd convinced yourself that the ghost was scared away and never coming back.

Anyway- somethings hit me in my dreams last night. I know I know...Hokey....but haunting regardless. It was a restless night, the humidity and lack of air conditioning must have gotten to me in ways that i couldn't anticipate.
Or i've gone mad. Stark raving mad i tell you.
Hot as a ball sack up here in my computer room though, Kevin has this nifty little thing, called a lap top.
With a new trinket called a wireless connection. This contraption allows him to sit in comfortable air temperatures downstairs.
I am up on the third floor sweatin on this ole desktop monster.
Just like Helen Keller.
or not.
I keed, I keed.
BTW....I only today realized that i don't have Indigo Girls "rites of passage" on my pod.
the horror. and ignorance really.
and do you think you can dance?
ciao. Posted by Picasa