Thursday, September 27, 2007

why did the luck run dry?

Yet another master picture from young Kevin. What a gifted and talented picture taker my little boomer is. This was from the Orchards we were at this past weekend. There was a bunch of bee thingys....swarming around them, the air was thick with buzzing and it was actually quite scary......anyway while we were in line to buy over priced items this woman came in and almost knocked kevin over.."i just got stung by a me."
" are you allergic?"
"here is a paper towel"

Good times.
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

we push and pull

I came across this picture on Ethan Says.....and it got my motor running. Fast, like a mustang. or is that white trash? thats ok if it is. yeah. it is ok.

Anyway, i go for a bone scan today on my foot. They inject something and then 3 hours later they take the pictures. I guess the shot illuminates things. Fine. Fine. Fine. I walked Noah this morning without the walking boot on, and it sorta hurts, but I can tell that it's healing. Or something. I guess.

This weekend we go to our very first gay wedding. I would have thought to have been to one already, but we haven't. It should be interesting. John and Tim. In West Orange, NJ. Good times. I went to undergrad with John what seems to be a million years ago, and we've been friends ever since.
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Monday, September 24, 2007

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So we spent some of the weekend up in Buck's County. Friends of ours throw this huge blowout party called Boys in the Country.....easily 200 people there. For sure. It's a lot of fun, and it's always a rough recovery. But we made out ok....We spent the night at a friends house up there and then went to some farmer's markets yesterday. This place we went had a flower field that you could clip your own flowers from. Tres gay. I know, but it was fun...until, when we were driving home i noticed this huge huge ugly spider in one of the flowers sitting in my lap. I am still looking for it in the stupid car. i hate spiders . The other thing that happened....and we felt so bad for him, one of the other house guests left in the morning and was messing around with his GPS.....ended up totalling his car. So sad. You could see he was shaken and was trying hard not to show it, but man o man. He missed a turn completely. Those roads up in Bucks are tough to negotiate. He didn't get hurt though, and that was the good thing. We made it back to Philly ok and have not stopped eating yet, we're like eatin machines the last two weeks. It's nuts. Anyway, we also spent time planning our trip to New Orleans. It seems like a lot to do, but we'll have fun i am sure. Halloween in New Orleans has always been something i wanted to do.

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boys in the country

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

this conversation ain't doing a thing

Yes. It's clear this conversation ain't doin a thing.

The situation is always the same. Stealing gold from the silver they see.
But it's not me.
Here in these deep city lights - girl could get lost tonight.
I'm finding every reason to be gone,
There's nothing here to hold on to.
Could I hold you?
City by Sara Bareilles

better be good to me

if this is you in the picture. Hi. I know you might be irritated that you are appearing on a blog, written by men, about men...but deserve to be photographed secretly. And the way you two just casually talked in the glistening sun and stretched and ...........

oh, hi everyone. How are you today? I am doing just fine, just fine thank you. I have one of those walking boots on my right foot, because it appears that i have a stress fracture. I won't know for sure until i get my bone scan on Tuesday, but I am happpy to be wearing this big fat boot thingy. It make my foot feel unhurt, which is what i needed desperately. I am ok with it, at first i thought the fact that i suffered an injury took away the pride of having run 13.1 miles, but now I am ok with it. It was a fluke, that i got hurt....and i can't wait to get back out there and run some more. I can't. It was the best feeling eva !!! aside from wiping one out...but what can i say ??

Happy Thursday everyone.
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Monday, September 17, 2007

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Kev snapped this picture, and many others. I think this pic is awesome though. he's got a great eye for pics. Very nice.

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blogworthy. at mile 6 I saw this dude, running with some other hot dude. and I could not see his face, couldn't catch up with him, try as i did. At the finish line kevin was sure to snap him....hotness.
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at the finish line
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How frickin, am i 12 again?
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orange blur...not really going all that fast ! !!!!!!!!

So, it's done. It's ova. It was very very cool. I finished in pretty good time, better than i thought and was not really tired at all. My legs were heavy and my calves burning a bit, but basically felt wonderful for having run 13.1 miles.

Until Today.

I sorta can't walk. I injured my outer right foot and am going to get an x ray. Not sure what i did, because it didn't hurt yesterday.....around mile 4.5 i started to feel a little snap of pain in my foot, but nothing big. Now I can't really put too much weight on it. Which is ridiculous because I was feeling so so good yesterday. We'll see what happens, but it really feels like i need some crutches.

Which makes me feel like a total tool. Tard.

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Friday, September 14, 2007

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and we bumped into our good friend Gary !! Aw.
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the gays were also there, tagging along their BFF.
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be good to me

So, this was how close we were to the players last night. We were fortunate enough to get invited to go with some friends to the Phillies game and sit in Diamond Club seating. Which also meant that we had a hostess, a waitress and then bus boys. It was unbelievable, all free food and drinks. I am feeling a bit fuzzy today, should not have drunken so close to the race, but you only live'll be fine.
Anyway, this dude, he was hot.....Werth. Werth the stares and the glares we gave him. !!!! It was truly an experience that we'll likely only get once in our lives.....We even had a sit down dinner beforehand in the ClubHouse.
Good times.
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Thursday, September 13, 2007

All we can do is keep breathing.

I have been thinking of getting another tattoo. Underneath my upper arm. I drew something and it's been hanging on my bulletin board at work, but I think I am ready to get it soon. It's simple and not too big, just right...for me anyway.
What else is going on? Not too much. We keep truckin along trying to get all our shit done. I don't know, nothing to talk about really, but I saw this pic on OhLaLa boys page and just love it. Dark, seedy, and pain. FUN.
Just fun.

I've always like the seedy side of life. I don't really fit there, but I like it from the shadows...peeping at it, dipping my toe in. It's wrong, and dirty, and that's why I think dark alley's and bad language are so so fucking fun. Anyway, random thoughts on a Thursday morning.
Have a nice day kids....the weather is rockin here in Philly. Cool and Sunny. Just right !!! Ciao.

Oh, music Tuesdays had some of which i will point you to now. Ingrid Michaelson...her song was featured in the last scene of Gray's Anatomy last session and it's online, under the soundtrack for the show...called Keep Breathing. She has some other great tunes as which sticks out is ...The Way I am.....check it out.
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

just cause

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Yum Yum

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The Way I Are

Mister Noah. This is the other man in my life. Yes, he is the one who holds my boyfriends heart. Not me. Not even close. Ain't no joke either. But can you blame Kevin? Noah is perhaps the best dog on earth. When I first came into the picture many moons ago, Noah treated me with disdain. I would walk him, and he would not poo. Not for nothin. And of course I got the blame for that, it was useless though, Kevin would never choose me over Noah. So, for about two years Noah was a thorn in my side. Always needing this, or needing that......eventually he came around, and I am a close second to Kevin, he poops and does just about anything I ask him to. Sometimes I can't stand to look at him because he is so fucking cute. Enjoy. He's the best !!!!!
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Monday, September 10, 2007

You and me, between the lines

I am sorry. For I have blog sinned. It's been a weird week or two....nothing major to report, just weirdness......and man, oh man. Britney screwed herself hardcore. she was a mess. and i, much to my dismay, am an honest Brit fan....her dancing and remixes have provided hours of lonely entertainment. And last night, I almost got up and left the room because I was so so embarrassed for her. little girl lost. And, because i have to weigh in on it, the entire show was shitty. The only thing I can say I liked was Alicia Keys and then..............oh boy, is that little jewish Adam Levine hot or what? Every day he gets hotter, and bitch can sing.
Other than that, it sucked. And Jamie Fox, how annoying is he?

I can happily report that I did a 10.75 mile run yesterday. And I felt amazing. I think I will be fine for the Half Marathon on Sunday. I did a decent time, although not really worried about my time, it would be nice to have a halfway respectable time. I can't complain though, with all my little earthquakes the last two weeks. And sorry for the boring running's where i am.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Ho Hum.
Haven't felt very motivated to write this past week, and it's mostly due to the fact that I am in a bad mood. V Bad Mood. Have been funky for the last few days and i can say it's mostly because of my health right now. My leg isn't better and now I am sick with a little cold, but due to my pretty intense asthma, I feel like shit and can't really breath. Which makes my training for this Marathon impossible. But i am still going for it, until i can't do it. I so desperately want to do this next weekend. And I know I can, but it gets so depressing with these ailments.....and it also makes me feel old and shit.

Enough complaining though. I know.
I cannot believe that Ms. Spears is back. And make no doubt about it, that song...Gimme More. It's good man. Real good. this fall is full of new music, and just in time, it was getting a little boring round here.
I don't know what else. Just say some novena's for me. Hope your well, and sorry for being so boring. Just am.