Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I'm back. It's been a while. Philly feels good, but the trip to get back here has been long, and well, I'm not all the way home yet. Sleeping in my own bed felt good though..... great actually. Sleeping in itself feels like a bit of a luxury.
Yesterday I had a window seat on one of my flights. I don't love to watch from that height, but yesterday, it was all i could do. Looking at the odd shapes of the land and the meandering water paths. So much like my own structure. So unfit, yet when viewed from a certain angle seems to be in order....
San Diego was nice, although the fires were happening almost the entire time i was there. I have pictures to share once my eyes can focus normally. New Orleans was .......I still can't put it all together yet, but it was fun. The Halloween circuit party was ok....not wonderful, it was ok. Spent a lot of time in Oz. Prolly too much time. Yup...too much time.
Cause i now sit and listen to all the wrongs songs, making me feel real somber.
It only gets better though. This i know.
How has everyone been?
One last thing, I met some great people. Hopefully those connections remain and get stronger.
Pictures later.......and hope everyone has a great Halloween.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

show me how

So, look closely. to the left in the picture are protesters...protesting our gay-ness. Right smack in front of them, notice the large man with a wig on and whale -ish white belly peering out. He/She is protesting the protesters. This is what gay pride events are like....sometimes.
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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

because i'm falling down

Halloween is upon us. My most favorite Halloween's have been spent in NYC. I have to be honest about that. Always a blast.......I remember my first Halloween in the Big Apple. We ended up at Hell in the Meat Packing District...i think it's closed now, but it was fun. Mucho fun. We went with this guy, he was a bartender at Food Bar, he had two different colored eyes....we were both in our Master's programs for Social Work. He had a boyfriend, on again - off again, named Alfonso. I think. Anyway, twas fun. I was freezing my nuts off wearing a sheet - toga inspired, but red hot mess looking.
This year is going to be my most - er - diverse Halloween eva.
I am flying all over these United States.....going to a conference in San Diego - then meeting up with Kevin in New Orleans. But with all that flying, i am stopping and have some layovers in a variety of places.
and of course
San Diego
New Orleans.
Alot of cities to touch down in. I am starting to get very excited about it all.Halloween in New Orleans is a bit daunting. Kevin and I are both in states of non party. Not really feeling the vibe....but i think as it gets closer we'll be ok. I, not Kevin, tend to get very very anxious about these big parties. Nothing have ever really gone wrong at them for us, but I get sick to my stomach worrying about how we'll fare - as a couple. I hate it actually. And love it all the same.
We'll see. Perhaps a cocktail to help my nerves. UGH.
Love ya
PS - New Music Tuesday sucked monkey nads today.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Um. Please click to enlarge these pictures from Survivior: China. So many penis heads.

mad as a snake

this pic. made me wanna puke. real bad. made me real real upset.
thought i would pass on the lurv.

when you are upset with your loved one, your friend or your you stop talking to them? Ignore? Pretend like your not in the same room? Same bed? just doing a poll.
so please respond !!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Got good and drunk on Friday night, at a party...was home relatively early. Built some bridges, burned some too. a little maybe. All in all though, was great fun and we had a ball.
Yesterday was one of Philly's gay festival type of things. Philly has 3 of these. Hilary calls them the gay flea markets. This one is called Outfest.....supposed to be a celebration of coming out. Most people there are already out. Way out. We took a few pics.....posting later. This was the notorious celebration that caused a stir a couple years back....when there were some religious types protesting and it turned out to be not so peaceful a demonstration. Yesterday seemed to go off nicely though.
We had some drinks and then got an invite to someone's house for dinner, which ended up being a blessing. At home by 7:30...almost crawling into bed by then.
Was fun. Good times.
The pic = a guy from my new guilty pleasure...Gossip Girl. He plays the socially awkward's a stretch.......yowzers

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Wild Kingdom

We are going to New Orleans for Halloween. We need your help. What can we dress up as ? The theme is wild kingdom. Submit some comments, and don't be dicks either.........pretty please !!! With sucre on top.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

there's something out of place

For those of you who don't know. Above is a picture of Ginkgo. Philadelphia is swarming with them. And those little white fruits fall all over our gritty city. They fall and litter every park and sidewalk within what seems a ten mile radius. And they smell like dog shit. I kid you not, dog shit - or vomit, take your pick.
I hear that some Asian country gave a whole shitload of them to our city a long long time ago.
On my way to work today, i rode my bike (first time since my stupid foot got hurted) right through a cluster of the Ginkgo pods. SPLAT....big popping noise...i continue to ride on thru.
I get to my local Starbucks, take my bookbag off my back and sit it on the floor as i add half and half and splenda. Yup.
As i go to put my bag on my back i smell dog shit.....and i glance at my bookbag. and I yell
"Oh MY GOD !!!!"
I yell because my Ipod is on, with my Shur sound reducing earphones.
Then i see the entire store looking at me with great concern......the barista comes from behind the counter and says

Happy Wednesday.
How do you explain that you screamed like a big woman because when you rode your bike through the Ginkgo, the Ginkgo splattered all over you ???? And thats why you smell like Big Red took a dump on your head?????
Every thing's comin up roses people !

Egg Rolls

This is Aaron. For shits and giggles I tivo'ed Survivor and watched it last night. The little one in the top picture is the resident gay. He is a flight attendant.....Aaron, he is a surf instructor...but i get a little vibe from him, a little gay flash goes off. It could be that he wears his underwear in all the challenges......trunks. Anyway, as you can tell, he caught my eye. I am afraid he won't last though, he's got a big ole mouth.

Monday, October 1, 2007

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I happen to think this is one of the most cutest pictures eva.
Just sayin.
From the Big Gay Wedding we went to this weekend. It was wonderful and great and i am so so tired from it and the food was good and i am bloated like a blowfish and my foot feels good and i am painting our hallway tonight and ................thats all you need to know for Monday October 1. 2007.

always the foodie. notice the purple drink.
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this proved to be the end of the affair. sans tie and jacket.
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