so sunday night i watched my tivo'ed episode of the survivor finale. i was somewhat excited, not really too much though, you knew who was going to win. so i crawled into bed at around 11:30. kev was sound asleep, his right leg out of the covers laying on his chest and head turned toward me. He laid in that position for at least 5 hours. How do i know this? because. because i fucking stayed awake the entire night. nothing i did, nothing i thought about relaxed me. my mind was racing, i sang every song i knew, i did deep breathing, i even counted frickin sheep. nothing. at 4am i got up and went downstairs and laid on the couch, thinking the change in atmosphere would help. nope. not a thing. i drifted off by the time the alarm clock went off upstairs.....around 6am. i have no idea what is going on?
so to fix this, i went to the rite aid and got my prescription for ambien filled. I was just telling someone that i was so very grateful that my sleeping patterns had changed, that i was able to sleep without any aid and sleep a damn good sleep at that.
well screw you natey.. that just goes to show ya.......keep your damn mouth shut bitch.
so last night i took my ambien, outstandingly exctied to get some sleep. i was smiling as i laid my head on the pillow. alas, the ambien sorta didn't work. it made me groggy, but didnt lay me out. I was so pissed, i got up, and took another half pill. did the trick, mostly. if you can believe it though i did wake up at like 3am to drain the lizard.....whats going on? why?
Things are not bad right now, they are really really good. kevin and i are doing well, the house is great, my student loans are getting paid, as well as my cc bills. whats wrong? whats the fuckin deal? was it because rob and amber didn't win the race? is it because i am nervous for britney with her new endevor? is there no end?
on other news. our summer schedule so far.
Memorial day weekend
- our 5 year anniversary is next friday - we are going back to the scene of the crime - rehoboth beach.
10-12 Nate is going to DC for a get together with undergrad friends.
14-20 Nate's mom is coming to visit.
24-26 possibly nyc pride
4 - nothing yet (suggestions)
24th - Nate's birthday (more than likely having our annual summer bash)
28-31 - Nate's high school reunion/Montreal gay pride
20-27 - off to P'Town with bob and dave !!!!!!!!
unscheduled : Kevin's parents to visit.......
and thats all so far.
talk to you later, gotta take a nap ------jack
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