Friday, September 29, 2006

i aint' got nothing but your seed on my face...

I wonder what happens on that there bed? The line up above is a lyric from "Lights" on the new cd. It's good. dirty. dirty beast.

Seedy and dirty and just cute.
This weekend is def. a long weekend. Tonight is a party at our realtors hot's a fun party, the last few years it gets better and better. the mix of people is always interesting, usually a well groomed and clever group of men. Last year we got there late and didn't have as much time to mingle, but i recall always chatting up dudes who i see in the city often but dont' really know so well. I also remember not remembering the end of the night, which is not great, not all together bad, but not great.

Tomorrow night is a party called "Boys in the Country". We go up to Buck's County, which could also be called buck's "i have a beautiful home and am painfully successful" county. It's a hoot. Last year we had an immensly dangerously fun time. I can't wait. It's a day party into the night, which i always love.
and i am only faced with one, important question..
have i worn my deep v neck t shirt too much lately? Has it worn it's welcome out in the Philly crowd? I worn that little bitch out in Ptown too much, but has philly had enough of it? Silly lttle gay man.

today , when i went to the new starbuck's on 12th and Walnut, their computers were not operational. They were giving away free cofffee and pastries.
Lemon Iced Pound Cake.
cruel. cruella de fat.

we kiss all together wrong

it's wrong. it's just plain wrong. I mean to be good, i do. I mean to not act like a 12 year old girl. but it's like heroin. when i see flesh like this. and then, the face and then the cool attitude. My cover's blown. I am a pubescent moron. and i google image's of McSteamy, Eric Dane to those of you who want to know.
and well........

is there something i can use to stop? Some program?

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

when you cut the lights out think of me

So, i am listening to the new Scissor Sisters album. Yum, mother. Yum.
Its hitting me right in the spot, you know diane, that spot, that feels good.
the spot, it's in different places for each of us. we all have it, and some of us are more aware than others of us.
At any rate, my spot is throbbing and it's all because of ana matronic and missy spears.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
and don't forget.
Sprinkle some wood today, or tonight.

shouldn't let you talk to me so sweetly

guess the contents ?????

Monday, September 25, 2006

i hate myself for lovin you

RIP my little Ana Lucia.
I did love you so.

The weekend was much fun. Nothing too major to report, much traffic on I95 which totally sucked, but we made it back to Philly in enough time to watch the EAGLES with some friends at a bar.
We had a great time this weekend at Kacy and Hilary's family's house....ate way too much. for sure. i was actually in the bathroom all night Saturday night. I ain't too proud girls. I was in pain. Um? what else? This weekend is totally full, which is going to be amazing. Really looking forward to having some fun. Not that it's been bad, actually been pretty damn good lately. The whole Ambien thing is starting to get annoying. We have an alarm clock that projects the time onto the ceiling. So i lie awake at night, just staring up above me, looking at 1:30, 2:30, usually by 3:30 I am tired enough that i totally zonk out. I also wake up with immense headaches now. Soooooo annoying. I have read two books in less than two weeks because sleeping makes me drowsy and thats my new Ambien.
Anyway - I don't know much else. Going to Nashville, TN for a conference. Should be interesting. The hotel I am staying in is so so nice...or, cheesy if you think about it. The Gaylord Opryland Hotel. We'll see.
We will.
Alright folks, sorry for the lame posts. Really am.
But it is what it is.
Regina Spektor. Love her. Love her.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

and i just might say it tonight

My life is full of things all of a sudden. Happiness. I gave kevin a card yesterday that talked about happiness...and all of a sudden i feel it.
anyway - the things that are making me ......better. some of them are here, listed.
i am reading books, alot. And it makes me feel more able to think, to think of things critically. whats also appealing about that is how i tend to think of my daily life events in the way in which the book i am reading might think of these events. so interesting. my brain...ouch.
the picture above is from the movie "Little Children," the book i am reading right now. which is real good. Patrick Wilson is in it and i luvs me some jp. also ms winslet...who i love.
I was generally underwhelmed by new tunes lately...and thought i was going to be happy with JT and maybe, just maybe some Beyonce...but really havent' like them all that much. The Killers new one is going to fill that void, as well as Scissor Sisters.....which brings me to the other thing that made me real happy of their new songs "Might Tell You Tonight". It's so tender and ....oh it's just right good. And surprisingly...some of Fergie's stuff is fun...i hate that London Bridge crap, but this song..."Clumsy" is pretty good.
Lastly, this week I have been trying to avoid the Ambien...which is something i've used to sleep for a while now....the beginning of the week was a mess, not all. Then last night, well, i got a damn good nights sleep..without that mess.
alright...thats all. see ya.

Monday, September 18, 2006

ugga wagga wig wam

it's been a while. it's been a strange road, these last couple weeks. sorta sleep walking, not really feeling too great. All the same, this too shall pass. or some stupid shit like that.

Let's see. We've been out and about a bit more the last few weeks and things seem to be going ok on that front. Went to Great Adventure for Gay Night. Was prettty fun, although lines were a little long. I love rides and thrill seeking (i'm thinking about sky diving actually) and a few of those rides really got me going. Not to mention a park full full, bursting at the seams, with the gay. Pretty funny actually. Regardless I had a good time and so did kev. Friday night this week we went to see The Covenant- sorta stinker, but nice boys to look most gay blogs have covered this i won't get into it too much.

Work has been the kicker lately. Lots of stuff happening and for the first time in a while job security has new meaning to me. and it's making me bruised, all over. But i have had to look at things in a different way. This is out of my control and although it's painful and hard, i have to accept it the way it is for a while. Just breathe.

The dude in this picture is actually a contestant on the Amazing Race, he and his race partner are models - who met in rehab. Go figure.....good for them though, in recovery. Me likey to watch them run around.

Headed DC bound this weekend. Should be fun.

Alright y'all, hope things is good and more to come, bear with me while i get my footing.


Friday, September 1, 2006

Wild boys - never loose it

Yes Kevin and I, we’re…wild boys. Watch out.
Here we are….I am in such a punchy mood today, I can’t really tell if I am coming or going, all I know is that I am super happy that the week is over, it was a relatively easy week on some levels, but my emotional intelligence was really tested this week. I think I have done ok, time spent with friends and working out really helped me. Really helped me.
And actually if truth be told, a stranger’s kind words help me. A compliment in the gym really propelled me turn a corner, and I know it’s sorta silly, but when someone goes out of their way to say something nice, why - by golly, I really appreciate that. So, anyway. There you have it.
She stoops to conquer ladies and gentlemen.

Last week in Ptown I left my Ipod outside, overnight on our deck.
It also poured down rain that night, and my pod shit the bed. (our Bose docking station somehow survied it)
I got a new one once we got back to Phila. It’s a video pod, and I loves it. Loves it.
That’s all I know.
For now.
Be safe and happy.
For this is the last enjoyable weekend of the year.
Missy Moody – (AKA Nate)