Tuesday, February 20, 2007

and i'm wasting everyday

That damn Mika.
Have you guys heard that man? He is brilliant....I can't wait to hear the whole cd. I downloaded another of his songs, Happy Ending, and man...that shite is hot.
Today's weather and consequent mood have run flat. Everything - EVERYTHING is dirty. The ground is gross....and it's ugly. Everything is ugly outside. Sooooo on the way to work today i bought some things for my office. I bought some Stargazer Lilly and some Pussy Willows...(yes Serial Mom, shut it) It makes me feel better. Better I am.

something that i have been thinking about today. At the gym this morning there was a guy there who, has some sort of career in porn....I know this because he was profiled in the Philly H!X... anyway, he was at the gym today and i found myself thinking about him and his decision making. He appears to be completely shy and sorta introverted.....and yet is pasted in publications. I just wonder, with all this BS stuff going, how many people get really messed up in things and make horrible horrible decisions? Now, i am sure he is perfectly content and ok with his decisions.............and i see nothing wrong with this sort of thing, should your lifestyle permit those choices.....all the power, to the people.....but Anna Nicole and Britney and....just scary, and i can't help but think that it all starts out small and pressure to make bigger and badder decisions are natural in this sort of career...and environment. (which isn't to say that you can't do it all, and make good decisions....) Just got me thinking alot. I am sure it's fine, but I think it odd and interesting all the same. I just wish the best for people.....Thats all !!!
Ciao fellas.

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