Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
building a mystery
Oh, hello ? Well there you are !!!! Whats going on out there ? How is everyone ? I am doing well. Much more focused and ready to deal with some more BS thrown my way. It was a nice and rejuvinating weekend, getting away is the most fun ever. I also sorta came to terms with myself, in being able to see how the summer is right on top of us, and how great it's going to feel to be on the beach for a few months.
I also know that there are parts of me that I have to better investigate, hopefully that will unfold. And, enough with all that.
The trailer for The Dark Knight got me a little fluffed this morning. lookin good. I want so desperately to see Indian Jones tonight, but have a thousand things to do, so it'll have to wait.
Anyway kids, hope everyone is well and that things are just how you want them to be.
Wherever you go, there you are,
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
over there - - -
A Year Ago.
This Memorial Day will be our 8 th Year Anniversary. Survived the 7 year itch and are doing great !!!! We met in Rehoboth Beach, and every year we head down that way for a weekend of total relaxation and a little bit of bar fun. Not too much drinking or partying though. And i can't wait. To just get there and have no worries for 4 days. Can't wait !! Gotta get out of here, and detach from the world i've known the last week and a half. Hope everyone has a great week leading up to a fun weekend !!!!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Details in the Fabric
Last week was one of the worst weeks of my life. I can't go too much into all really, except that everything personally is fine. I tried to get out on Saturday and escape. The weekend was actually good, and provided a great deal of needed relief. Going into Monday morning, feels not good. We'll see, I might be taking some days off work this week.......or not.
Anyway, the party on Saturday reminded me what it's like to have fun again, coming back from Vegas, which was just ok, i found myself in a big fat rut. The party was a lot of fun and helped me get back to my center a little bit.
Anyway, more details and updates to follow, sorry for the lack of attention lately......
check out the title of this post, by Jason Mraz.....such a beautiful song.
Also, have you all listened to Duffy yet ? Real good !!!!!!!
Love you the most.
Friday, May 2, 2008
give it to me
The days of the week have gone so so slowly. But Friday's here and all is well. A little blue, but ok. I also had, for the first time in a long long time, a drink or two last night on a week night. I feel funked today. Hate that. HATE IT. But last night was cause to have a couple glasses o vino.
Broad Street Run this weekend and then soon off for the bigish trip. Can't wait.
Bob comes tomorrow, so tonight taking it chill and looking for fashion.
Ideas ?
oh, and poor brooke white. Au Revoir sweetie !