Wednesday, May 28, 2008

building a mystery

Is this thing on?

Oh, hello ? Well there you are !!!! Whats going on out there ? How is everyone ? I am doing well. Much more focused and ready to deal with some more BS thrown my way. It was a nice and rejuvinating weekend, getting away is the most fun ever. I also sorta came to terms with myself, in being able to see how the summer is right on top of us, and how great it's going to feel to be on the beach for a few months.
I also know that there are parts of me that I have to better investigate, hopefully that will unfold. And, enough with all that.

The trailer for The Dark Knight got me a little fluffed this morning. lookin good. I want so desperately to see Indian Jones tonight, but have a thousand things to do, so it'll have to wait.
Anyway kids, hope everyone is well and that things are just how you want them to be.
Wherever you go, there you are,
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a scary picture. Nate you're doing great, don't read into things too deeply, life will always be complicated if you disect it, it's much better to just go through it not understanding how and why. I think they call it denial, I love it - LOL