My phone is on vibrate for you
I am sorry. This man is too much for me on some days and today I feel hella misguided. really. I do. So I just look at him. I want to meet him someday. him and rufus wainwright. Odd pairing right ? Rufus is such a tortured soul, I want to talk to him and find out what he feels on a daily basis. Now that his mother died I wonder how much more tortured he could be, maybe not at all. Who knows.
Anyway, back to Alexander here. Folks think Bill Compton is a hottie. I think that too, but this man is made for me. really, he is. every blond morsel of his body is for me. And apparently Kate Bosworth at this point.
I am not jealous though. Not me.
In other news, I got acupuncture today, as well as a shot of cortisone for my hip and knee pain. I have a 10 mile race on Sunday so I wanted to make sure I was able to do it. Will keep you in the loop.
Cheers folks.