Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My phone is on vibrate for you

I am sorry. This man is too much for me on some days and today I feel hella misguided. really. I do. So I just look at him. I want to meet him someday. him and rufus wainwright. Odd pairing right ? Rufus is such a tortured soul, I want to talk to him and find out what he feels on a daily basis. Now that his mother died I wonder how much more tortured he could be, maybe not at all. Who knows.
Anyway, back to Alexander here. Folks think Bill Compton is a hottie. I think that too, but this man is made for me. really, he is. every blond morsel of his body is for me. And apparently Kate Bosworth at this point.
I am not jealous though. Not me.
In other news, I got acupuncture today, as well as a shot of cortisone for my hip and knee pain. I have a 10 mile race on Sunday so I wanted to make sure I was able to do it. Will keep you in the loop.
Cheers folks.

Monday, April 26, 2010

something in your eyes is making such a fool of me

hello there blog readers. Whats going on ? Well not a helluva lot here, maybe a little more than I'd like actually, but things I don't really want to rehash here.

Things have been tough for a while now and it's not really been safe for me to express myself in such a public way, but I am getting there, so sorry for not posting sooner.
The Broad Street Run is this upcoming Sunday. It's a 10 mile race right down through Philly. It's a lot of fun and it's generally not that competitive of a race because so many people run in it, and it's a pretty easy run, mostly a slow slope down to Philly's Naval Yard.

I'll be doing it, despite having some hip and knee issues, related to bursitis. I got some shots last week and am going to get some tomorrow morning.
I started going to a Rehab Dr. He does acupuncture which is really cool and has been helping me deal with some aches and pains.
What is going on for everyone else round here? Let me know whats shaking and I will be updating more soon>
Kiss Kiss.