Monday, September 18, 2006

ugga wagga wig wam

it's been a while. it's been a strange road, these last couple weeks. sorta sleep walking, not really feeling too great. All the same, this too shall pass. or some stupid shit like that.

Let's see. We've been out and about a bit more the last few weeks and things seem to be going ok on that front. Went to Great Adventure for Gay Night. Was prettty fun, although lines were a little long. I love rides and thrill seeking (i'm thinking about sky diving actually) and a few of those rides really got me going. Not to mention a park full full, bursting at the seams, with the gay. Pretty funny actually. Regardless I had a good time and so did kev. Friday night this week we went to see The Covenant- sorta stinker, but nice boys to look most gay blogs have covered this i won't get into it too much.

Work has been the kicker lately. Lots of stuff happening and for the first time in a while job security has new meaning to me. and it's making me bruised, all over. But i have had to look at things in a different way. This is out of my control and although it's painful and hard, i have to accept it the way it is for a while. Just breathe.

The dude in this picture is actually a contestant on the Amazing Race, he and his race partner are models - who met in rehab. Go figure.....good for them though, in recovery. Me likey to watch them run around.

Headed DC bound this weekend. Should be fun.

Alright y'all, hope things is good and more to come, bear with me while i get my footing.


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