Friday, February 24, 2006

thank you very mucho mister roboto.........dummmmo

It's not all that bad a day on Exile Island as far as i'm concerned. Nick is all "hi" and I am all like "blah blah blub..abs, pecs and homo say what?" He actually makes me nervous just watching him on tv. But then that passes and my mind goes amuck.....and then kevin smacks the shite out of me.

Anyway - hope all are well and that Friday is buring bright in your pants. it is in mine. its really mother- of- mary cold out there today. It's a nice day to have a White Russian, or a dark shaded one if you choose...really matters not. ..just enjoy and drink up.

I am addicted to a food item right now. I keep getting really upset stomach from it, but i buy them and don't stop until it's all gone. Sesame sticks....those little crunchy things.....A - D - D- I- C- T- E-D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Intervention will soon be needed. My ever increasing Britney Bump is almost enough to make me stop, but not quite. Speaking of....she's sorta on again off again isn't she. I have seen those caps from Will and Grace and she looks pretty good actually. I don't know. What can I do? I am hoping she'll hit it again. Not it, as in Federline hit it, as in her career.
Going to Baltimore tomorrow to visit friends, should be much fun. Have to get out of here again...last weekend we sorta did least i did. Kevin seems to be hitting his "i can party like a rock star" phase and i am doing the opposite.....disappear like Debra Winger type act. I just can't hang. Actually I can hang, it's the days after, when i put my shoes on the wrong feet and go out in public and my face is all cracked out. No moisturizer helps me feel refreshed. Anyway hope all is well in your place...and i hope your place is well. swell. good. happy. full of fresh tulips perhaps?
I love fresh tulips...kevin...i love fresh tulips in case you were wondering......

alright. love ya love ya.
oh - -PS Madame Denise is about to pop out her spawn...........any day now. I can't wait to hear all about it and come see the littlest monkey of them all.

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