Tuesday, August 2, 2005

Back from the Pines Party - physically, that is, not totally mentally back yet. It was a decidedly excessive weekend, but in the simplest way, a beautiful weekend.
Couple of things:

To the Pines in general: I am now addicted to your over - the - top lifestyle. Although I know I will never live the life of a True Pinian, I very much want to get a share there next summer and be a poser.

To the piece of wood that made me fall: I know that I should not be walking on the beach at 3 in the morning and I also know that I should be more careful. What I did not know was that I was going to look like a train hit me head - on once I tripped on the walkway in front of 389 Neptune Walk. I fell, thankfully no one was with me or saw me.....my fingers, knees and elbows have mucho cuts on them now.

To the Real Estate Agent / Porn Star from the Pines Party: I am still trying to process everything you said and did on Saturday night. I flip flop and feel bad more than good when i try to put it in place. When you came over to talk to us, I immediately knew that i was in trouble as you barely knew i was standing next to my husband. The way you stared at him so close to his face made me feel uncomfortable, even a little anxious. When you realized that i was his boyfriend, it was nice of you to ask if we did threesomes, instead of just trying to take my bf away by himself. I really appreciate that. I also appreciate it when you asked me if you were making me mad. What i can't really appreciate is the way you looked at me, touched my chest and said "I mean, your cute too, but he is the most beautiful man" Somehow that didn't translate well for me. In the end, after you came up to us several times, i know you got along with your night as i saw you with someone else.......and i came to a strong realization about my relationship and my man. So, the bottom line is that i thank you for helping me see something in a new way, you could have been a little more respectful to me though.....so try a different strategy next time and what is your porn name Frederic? So we can see some of your work.

To kevin: Thank you for handling that situation as well as you did. It is flattering to have one of the most beautiful men we have ever seen want to get with you, and difficult to handle on many levels for sure. I am not sure how I would have handled it, but feel you did the best you could.....

To the man who thought he was floating and was in a g hole. I hope you are alright, it was really one of the most ghastly things I have ever seen in my life. i thought your eyes were going to pop out of your head, and was truly worried you were going to need fast medical attention. I am glad your friends were helping you out though and hope you are ok.

Have a good Tuesday everyone, and remember to relax, lifes too short. and the movie in your mind can be anything you want it to be.

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