Monday, August 15, 2005

good is good and bad is bad

Last night I went, by myself, to see Crash. I really loved it, felt that in some ways it didn't deliver the tsunami i thought was coming, but overall thought it was done really really well. The scene from this poster was perhaps my most favorite of all. The dude and little girl were so powerful, the emotion that was on the tip of my head during this scene....anyway my stomach was in knots the whole movie, i was so worried how it was going to turn out, who was going to die, who was going to get caught because they were doing something they should not have. very very good.
and one other thing about it....why doesn't Jennifer Esposito have more roles in films ? I totally dig her, but where is she the other 75% of the year?

In other news, getting ready for our stay in Ptown. Not really in the mode yet, to get ourselves together....getting packed and on the road is notoriously the hardest part, but planning and pain meds might make it easier this time....kidding.

Timing can sometimes be everything. Our friend Linda pointed me to an article in the
New York Times Style section. It highlights Philadelphia as being the 6th Borough of NYC. As of late I have really been thinking of NY and what I am missing by living here. It's always been a dream, to live in NY, a dream that was never really a reality. And it's not now either, our life is here in philadelphia, a house, a dog, a cat, a career......a life. A good one.'s always there, and it's always on the tip...that desire, that longing. As odd as it sounds, i breath easier in nyc. through the pollution, the decay....i breath easier. Coming to terms with this, lately has been hard for me, hard on us. In order to move through it all easier though, i know the answer is to infuse our life with more, more's only a short ride, and we have friend who live there, we have connections..............thats the answer for right now. The answer for others though, in the article, was to leave ny. It's funny, the picture in the article, we know 6 of the people in it. Anyway it's interesting to read and.....fitting for me and where i am.
alright, gotta work, ciao

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