Tuesday, October 16, 2007

because i'm falling down

Halloween is upon us. My most favorite Halloween's have been spent in NYC. I have to be honest about that. Always a blast.......I remember my first Halloween in the Big Apple. We ended up at Hell in the Meat Packing District...i think it's closed now, but it was fun. Mucho fun. We went with this guy, he was a bartender at Food Bar, he had two different colored eyes....we were both in our Master's programs for Social Work. He had a boyfriend, on again - off again, named Alfonso. I think. Anyway, twas fun. I was freezing my nuts off wearing a sheet - toga inspired, but red hot mess looking.
This year is going to be my most - er - diverse Halloween eva.
I am flying all over these United States.....going to a conference in San Diego - then meeting up with Kevin in New Orleans. But with all that flying, i am stopping and have some layovers in a variety of places.
and of course
San Diego
New Orleans.
Alot of cities to touch down in. I am starting to get very excited about it all.Halloween in New Orleans is a bit daunting. Kevin and I are both in states of non party. Not really feeling the vibe....but i think as it gets closer we'll be ok. I, not Kevin, tend to get very very anxious about these big parties. Nothing have ever really gone wrong at them for us, but I get sick to my stomach worrying about how we'll fare - as a couple. I hate it actually. And love it all the same.
We'll see. Perhaps a cocktail to help my nerves. UGH.
Love ya
PS - New Music Tuesday sucked monkey nads today.


Anonymous said...

where did you do your msw?

Nathan said...

I did it at University of Maryland.....

Anonymous said...

currently second year msw student at temple. does your employement welcome interships?

Nathan said...

Yes it does !