Monday, October 8, 2007

Got good and drunk on Friday night, at a party...was home relatively early. Built some bridges, burned some too. a little maybe. All in all though, was great fun and we had a ball.
Yesterday was one of Philly's gay festival type of things. Philly has 3 of these. Hilary calls them the gay flea markets. This one is called Outfest.....supposed to be a celebration of coming out. Most people there are already out. Way out. We took a few pics.....posting later. This was the notorious celebration that caused a stir a couple years back....when there were some religious types protesting and it turned out to be not so peaceful a demonstration. Yesterday seemed to go off nicely though.
We had some drinks and then got an invite to someone's house for dinner, which ended up being a blessing. At home by 7:30...almost crawling into bed by then.
Was fun. Good times.
The pic = a guy from my new guilty pleasure...Gossip Girl. He plays the socially awkward's a stretch.......yowzers

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