Everything's dirty Howard, but we all do our best -huh?
have you seen the shoes with springs on them? They have a high heel, that is a spring, as in "tigger-like" springs....how to describe it? its funny as shit man.
when we first moved to philly this little store opened that i would pass on my way to my horrid job, the store was near Jefferson Hospital - so i suppose these shoes are made for health care professionals, to give support or something....who the fuck knows, but anyway the store closed within the year. and i thought these little shoes were not to be seen again.
yesterday at the gym, while i was lamenting some sad song on my ipod, and trying to do a good shoulder workout, my eyes caught ....well first i must say my eyes were caught by this guy's packaging......somewhat disturbing, not sure what was stuffed down there, but my eye level was level with the whole......member area. Anyway my eyes quickly moved away, downward, and don't you know that man had on spring shoes. boing. boing.
I am increasingly disturbed by what people think is appropriate for the gym, i mean, yeah i know...to each his own and everything.....and to some degree thats fine. But these men, these men who walk around the gym in next to nothing, and sporting a viagra-like woody....well i just dont get it. Keep it in the showers, steam room, wherever, but on the floor......let's just do squats and be happy. ok? ok.
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