Wednesday, October 18, 2006

it's cold and hard and petrified....

This does feel different. It does. I guess it sucks to draw from past expereinces, but you kinda have to. To try and figure out what you've learned already and what you have to learn in the future.

I've learned already that pain does have a point. And it's usually worth the trouble you've gone through to get the point. More on that later I suppose.

Life continues though. Something I am faced with right now. You see we've been invited to many things, tonight a birthday party. Friday night a birthday dinner party. Saturday a pumpkin patch party in buck's county. More party's the following week. What I dont' know what to do is negotiate those things. Life doesn't stop, nor should it, just because of a little spilt milk. The things I know are that socializing generally makes me feel better.....and that friends feel like home. We'll go these events, together, because we are together. Because we are going to make it better. But it feels wierd having fun. It's my issue. Like I should still be sitting shiva.

But life goes on man, it moves all around you, and i guess you make the decision to move with it, or to fight an upstream current.

I think i choose the easier of the two. And have faith. Faith in 7 years. And faith in my heart.


I think that jess simpson's new video is hot. HOT. "I belong to me".

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