Wednesday, October 5, 2005

ANEROS and You

So, The very special device I listed below, the white in fact called
The Aneros. While we were in P town our friends bought it, the next morning i walked into their bedroom and one of them was looking a little .....worn. I thought it was the 5th of Jack Daniels he drank, however I was wrong.
My friend was, in fact, using the Aneros as we talked.....anyway, i never would have know. They loved it, so we went out and got one.
perhaps you should too. thats all i got to say. Here's what the site has to say about it:

"With the Aneros, men can achieve strong continuous, non-ejaculatory, full body orgasms previously unattainable through conventional sexual techniques. We refer to this type of orgasm as the "Dream Orgasm," while many of our users call it the "Super-O."

And mister Sprite Boy Heself guessed it correctly, ask him how he knew this? Just lucky guess? Me thinks not. !!!!
In other news, i had the chance to read
Steph and Alek's site and made a horrifiing discovery. My posts were strikingly similar to theirs.....I can't read their site while i am at work, as the server tells me their site is "ilicit", so i had no idea that Gavin Henson and David Beckham were on their site too, although i did see the pics elsewhere. Anyway....sorry for that.

I gotta run, but will update later.....saw Proof last night. Good. MOre on that !!!! and Jake.

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