Wednesday, December 13, 2006

try it mister, i know i know you can

In the face of being labeled, i have to put it out there, and i have to do it loudly. I may recieve a glare from those bloggers who escape cliches, but I gotta keep it real.
THIS BITCH IS UNREAL. We just got back from Dreamgirls. I can tell you, in all honesty, I am one emotional young man. I cry, I laugh real loud, I do it all with a great deal of ummpffffff !!! For the entire time she was singing that damn song, that anthem, I'm Tellin You....whatyoumacallit.....I had goosebumps the entire song, I truly think it was the most moving song I have seen....Really.
The rest of the movie had its performances, sure, it was good. But she was hot, miss jenny hudson worked my p out.
for sure.
As well as the guy who sat next to me. A functioning autistic....I keed you not. He was. He kept rocking back and forth and waving his hand up in the air. That is fine, what was really hard to deal with was the way his laugh lingered. Inappropriately. and Loudly. I was dying. But i got over it, until the end, which is when he lost his shit.....the holy ghost came down and bleed into his soul. WOW.
Effie White and me though, we is girlfriends now.
Alright good night, gotta go mess with my insanely screwed up ITunes.
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