Tuesday, May 30, 2006

you said forever, that you would never...

The hokey smile says it all.

The start of summer, the end of another year together. For real. Moving into our 7th year together, amazing. And at times unbelievable. To think about how close you can become to another human, spending so much time together. Yet also understanding that there are parts of each other that are still foreign. And thats all good.

Went out to Happy Hour in Rehoboth on Sunday night. And we were in for a surprise. I felt so, well, so far. At one time we knew a lot of people who took up summer residence in RB. Blue Moon was the place to go for happy hour, and you would wait in line to get in. No more. And there we were, not really knowing what to do. We ended up at Aqua? And it was lots of fun, basically knew no one, but we all had fun. Times change folks, like it or not, and you just kinda have to embrace it, accept it.
accept me.
I accept you.
Happy Anniversary Kevin. To many more.
Love always,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congratulations, you two. my ex and i were together for eight pretty good years. my longest relationship to date. takes work, but well worth it, for sure. if you're still in rehoboth (one of my old stomping grounds when i was a young ckick) please tell a certain bartender -- keith gehman -- that steve from texas wishes him well.