Thursday, December 6, 2007

bottle it up

Montreal is only about 45 minutes from where i grew up. Walking to school in -10 degree weather was pretty typical in the winter months. Ice and snow ruled our lives from November till April, in a big way.
I played Ice Hockey from around 1st grade up until I was almost graduated from High School. I was always really good, the assistant captain and played a solid right wing. So many memories from those times.....getting up at 4 in the morning to play in Canada and freezing my little boy arse off. I love the game, have let it slip away from my passions, but want very much to play some time in the future. The problem is that it's SO SO SO time consuming and I just can't forfeit my social obligations with Hockey. Not now anyway.
The point of this? To get to know Nate a little more, and well.
This morning as I took the train to work.....i bought these hot little black boots last week, I LURV them, except when the ground is covered with ice. I broke my ass twice today.
I wished my old pair of Bauer's to appear on my feet, as i giggled through the pain.
Ta ta

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This entry totally mad me laugh out loud! love, kiki