Friday, June 22, 2007

hello again, it's you and me

Girlfriend was my hero. Marion....AKA Karen Allen. Indiana was too, Mr. Jones that is, but she was so fierce in this movie...Raiders of the Lost Ark, in case you didn't know. This scene in particular worked me out. This scene with all those damn snakes.........yuck !!! anyway, rumor has it that she is going to be in the new Indiana Jones movie. And my hole is quivering. I loved that franchise. Remember that little asian boy....he was in the Goonies too. Wasn't he? chow -chow....oh nevermind. And Kate Capshaw's performance in the opening of the film.....
In other news, we are going to listen to seashells this weekend. For real. Can't wait. No NYC gay pride for us, no siree bob. we ain't. no way. no gay.
My birthday is July 24th. We'll be in Fire Island for a quick weekend, hopefully my fucking tire around my old stomach will be gone, but anyway,.........yeah July 24th. I always throw parties for Kevin's birthday.

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