Monday, June 11, 2007

why are there so many..songs about.......

I posted something earlier, but it's gone. Gone gone. To nowhere special i suppose. Odd. we'll see if it shows up.

Basically - had a great weekend, although feel very tired today. Can barely keep my eyes open actually. All i want to do is get back into bed and be cuddly. Thats all.
Gay pride was yesterday - and I've sorta been reflecting on what i observed. brings all sorts of people out. We sat and watched the enormous amount of ...well freaky freaks yesterday for most of the day.
Now, i know we basically stick to those who are most like us....i know that. But really. If i saw one more young girl/lesbian...with pink or blue hair, with piercings in odd odd places....i was going to loose it. Dirty.
Freaks aside was a happy day, lots of smiles and pleasant-ness. Which was nice. The only side effect of yesterday was that i began to feel old, for the first time really. I am totally fine with my age, but i saw firsthand how much i've changed and how far the divide from those little boys in cut offs running around with hickey's on their necks. It was an odd awakening. Still trying to process it. I know that if i felt better about myself right now, that maybe i wouldn't even have noticed...but i did. All the same, it was nice to walk around with my best friends and my husband of seven years. I've found my place for now...and i am happy with it.
Back to my regularly schedule Monday montage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

old... you aint kidding.