Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Ho Hum.
Haven't felt very motivated to write this past week, and it's mostly due to the fact that I am in a bad mood. V Bad Mood. Have been funky for the last few days and i can say it's mostly because of my health right now. My leg isn't better and now I am sick with a little cold, but due to my pretty intense asthma, I feel like shit and can't really breath. Which makes my training for this Marathon impossible. But i am still going for it, until i can't do it. I so desperately want to do this next weekend. And I know I can, but it gets so depressing with these ailments.....and it also makes me feel old and shit.

Enough complaining though. I know.
I cannot believe that Ms. Spears is back. And make no doubt about it, that song...Gimme More. It's good man. Real good. this fall is full of new music, and just in time, it was getting a little boring round here.
I don't know what else. Just say some novena's for me. Hope your well, and sorry for being so boring. Just am.

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