Thursday, November 16, 2006

it's not so bad, it's not so bad

looking back, i can see the exact moment things turn. It's this moment, some call it the tipping point, some just call it "the moment", whatever you choose to call it, i am becoming obsessed with it.
IT is the split second your life changes, IT is the decision which could have gone either way. Gwen Paltrow was in a movie called "Sliding Doors", which detailed what happened to her character in both choices she makes.....IT is fun to look at, and fun to realize IT's importance. So many times, the decision or choice is made for us.....but when IT comes to us...which way do we go.
When your standing outside someone's door and you hear them talking about you, so many things can happen as a result of either walking through that door, or to walk away from it. IT grows from that point, like a vein.
Years ago the moment my ex boyfriend leaned over across the passenger side car and kissed the man who was driving the car....i could have stayed silent in my car as i watched from afar, or i could have gotten out of the car and confronted him. IT was that moment i decided to get out of my car and confront. Things were set in motion at that moment.
I am fascinated with IT. I try to realize when i am in these split seconds...and understand, that IT means everything.

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