Friday, August 3, 2007


For all intents and purposes my insides are out. It's been a bad week for us two together or rather, not together. Very bad indeed. Soul searching a bit and trying to fit circles into squares. And even though this is happening, i spent a very serene night last night with someone very special. Myself.
Yup. I left the house on my bike, intending to get some grub and catch a movie by myself. No movies at the Ritz that I wanted to see, so i went to this sidewalk cafe/restaurant...Caribou. It's a French place with wonderful Onion Soup. Back in early spring kev and i had had a fight and we both independently went there for some soup and clarity, we ended up sitting together and hatching it out. Back to present though, he never showed up last night which allowed me the opportunity to say hello to me. I was the only one sitting in the outside area, and had 2 or 3 glasses of chilled wine. Pleasant enough. Then I went to El Vez, yet another outside eating area. Had a nice Blood Orange Margarita and pondered some more. Left there and went to Franklin Fountains for an ice cream cone - get this, they have Teaberry Ice Cream !!! So darm good. So good.
I got home, still sad and just a little more close to my skin !


RAD said...

Hang in there.I am hoping it can only get better..

Anonymous said...

Are there deal breakers...or just bumps in the road?