Thursday, August 23, 2007

little earthquakes

so, he is a new contestant on Survivor. I am not sure i'll watch it, but he and some others look interesting enough to sink my teeth into. There is a gay dude, so maybe I will watch !!!
The sun is finally coming out today, and i have to admit, i don't' know how i feel about that. The last few days have been great. Sleeping in the chilled night air and not having air conditioning on is my most favorite of things. Autumn also brings about a certain amount of nostalgia which i openly invite, a time to remember things of the past and wonder about the future, I don't really know why this is, but it happens that way for me.
I also ran around 7.5 miles last night which makes me hopeful that i can finish this little 13 miler in September. I hope I can. I will be one miserable bitch if i can't do it.
Layin low for the upcoming weekend. We get the immense pleasure of watching Hilary's dog, Molly, who, in her terrible twos? Is that the most polite way to say it?
We'll be on our toes the whole night with that one.
Alright folks. Check ya later.

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