Friday, November 16, 2007

keep the bourbon on the shelf

I think I got the Clap just from posting this picture on here, but there is something about Dax Shepherd, something very very dirty yes, but something that makes the monster move a little.
Thats all i know about that, and i can't comment anymore on what it all means.
What I will comment on is that it's Friday. It's been a day of good and bad news, and what i can choose to focus on is that I am OK. Things are OK.
We are still planning on doing NYC for Thanksgiving. Still trying to piece together the specifics on what and where we're doing it, but it looks like we'll hit the night on Thanksgiving night, chillin a bit on Wednesday, of course we'll be driving up the NJ Turnpike on Wednesday night, which also means that I'll be in a prescribed coma, as traffic jams and I go together like Tommy Lee and Kid Rock go together. Explosive.
Thats all folks.
Love you the most.

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