Tuesday, November 6, 2007

you don't appreciaaaate me

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I don't know how or why, i missed the boat on Timbaland's CD. I am into it now, but man, how did i not get into The Way I Are when it first came out? That stupid song comes on and i start to hump the nearest pole. No shit.
So, Kevin took this photo of me in Jackson Square (?) and i loves it. of course, what you should know is that it wasn't posed, i passed out that way....... in the middle of the day. legs up in the air and shit.
I am feeling much better today. you see, well this will be long if i decide to explain it. OK here we go. Since we got back from Nawlins I have been feeling really dizzy and disoriented. To the point of tears a few times.....you see last year i went through a similar thing, and eventually went to the ER because I felt so bad. They never found anything and after about three weeks it went away, i went as far as to get put on some anti-vertigo medications. Well since we got back I've been feeling that same way again. It comes and goes, i am always fine at night time, but mornings until around 4 pm I am in a fog and feel like Britney (more on her in a minute) when she runs over some one's foot. Today felt better and I can't know why. I resigned myself last time that it was anxiety related.....and have been feeling like it's anxiety again. Which totally sucks, because nothing i do gets rid of it (other than to solve my big life issues...which ain't happenin any time soon). I don't know what to think really, but it blows snotty penis rot. Today feels better to some degree and I am grateful for that, and am trying to get work done and accomplish shit before i feel like i am on the Great American Scream Machine again .
Onward and upward.....

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