Friday, September 16, 2005

save me momma

Last night was the premiere of Survivor: Guatamala. I am sorta fixated on Blake as seen here. He's a model or something in real life, but on the show he is totally screwed. Every season all the hot men disappear. They just seem to get voted off immediately. Same with Blakey here. In the first picture, Blake is seen puking his beautiful little face off. In the first ten minutes of the episode he got hammered with some sort of branch from a tree ---- this branch looked like a torture device from ancient mayan times. the branch pierced his shoulder and since that moment he's been sick and miserable.....if not cute at the same time (in the pukin picture he's actually wearing his underwear...oiy) Scenes from next week show him totally sick and I can only assume he's headed to tribal council to get booted off. But then again Survivor tries to mislead us into thinking who it is, so he'll probly not get's to hopin.

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