Wednesday, January 30, 2008

good morning, good morning to you

v. bait·ed, bait·ing, baits v. tr.

  1. To place a lure in (a trap) or on (a fishing hook).
  2. To entice, especially by trickery or strategy.
  3. To set dogs upon (a chained animal, for example) for sport.
  4. To attack or torment, especially with persistent insults, criticism, or ridicule.
  5. To tease.
  6. To feed (an animal), especially on a journey.

Sometimes other people, often those who we love and care for, will say things to get a reaction out of us. When someone does this to me, I say that they are baiting me. Baiting me to respond angrily or emotionally because that is how they are feeling.
Lately, I've come to a better understanding of how this happens to me, and more importantly, how I handle it.
In my lifetime, my general response to being baited, is to react emotionally - to blurt back and show general anger (often times my anger produces a character similar to our stereotypes of a very loudmouthed trucker). I step right in the trap and get caught, stuck, and bleeding out mean words and resentment.
Over two weeks ago something happened and I realized that a calmer response, or no response at all is best. It makes all the difference for me. It will take me time, but someone once said to me....."We're looking for progress, not perfection" !!!!!!!!
I also realized something else. I can only do 50% of that work. I take ownership of not falling into the trap. The other 50% is that the other party has to avoid the baiting to begin with. Otherwise the job is only half done.
So eat it girls.
And darlings.........just work with me.
Nathan !!!

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