Wednesday, March 16, 2005


So ...sorry for not writing, has been a bit nutso in the squirrel house lately.

Let's play a game - it's called
"Which prospective will the lawyers pick?"

Contestant #1: Avril LaVigne lookalike. Dyed red and blue hair, with a hoodie sweatshirt that says "HONOR" across the chest.

Contestant #2: RuPaul lookalike. Tall as shit, humungoid hands with lots of nail polish on them. Transgendered youth. Constantly pulling out a compact to make sure all make up is in place.

Contestant #3: Tracy Chapman lookalike. Of the homeless variety and activities that would lead you to think of schizoid personality traits. Talking to herself very loudly about the judge trying to trick us. Empties out her pockets which have about 4 packs of bent up cigarettes in them, 6 lighters and various pieces of paper torn out from magazines.

Contestant #4: ME.

They choose me. In all my glory. I am on the jury of a trial. Me me me. I am destined to become a lawyer now, i just know it. Those lawyers with all their fighting and bickering. I love it. Love it.

In other news. Noah is doing GREAT. thank you for asking everyone. He is wonderful.
Mario Vasquez has left us for good, Mariah's new cd is going to be pretty good i think, and our jury is in trouble. Because of one thing. The whole jury has to go everywhere together, which means my bowel movements are now subject to the ridicule of 13 strangers. WONDERFUL, JUST WONDERFUL.

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