Monday, March 21, 2005

it's in my blood

My grandmother went to the hospital yesterday - she has a really bad cold and it dehydrated her, come to find out something was wrong with her heart, not sure what yet, just an irregular heartbeat.
So I call her up to say hi and tell her i am coming to see her tomorrow. She tells me not to come and see her, that she is miserable and no use in me catching a cold. She also says that grandpop is sick too.
we talk some more, and she sounds absolutely terrible, just horrible. Makes you really scared and upset....but it's not about me at this point. Anyway - she goes on to say "why you outta see this woman on tv..she lost around 200 pounds"
i'm thinking to myself, good she is alert and stuff.. ...she continues,
"and her tits are down, all the way down to her waist..poor thing, it's awful"
good ole gram - shes doing alright, just alright. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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