Friday, March 4, 2005

pad thai in august in Rittenhouse Square.....i want more pad thai, and lots of sun in Rittenhouse Square. Posted by Hello

It's almost 3Pm, I have a client coming in to see me, and all i want to do is run out of the office. It seems like there is a ton of stuff to do...get the tux's for tomorrow night, not to mention this fashion show thing tonight. Its really funny. We also have guests coming in, many pics to follow, hopefully - gotta be careful, we already lost the first digital to the drunk gods....not again. I am going to try and recruit a fan base for our thoughts, my thoughts, our lives. ITs fun, kev still ain't made it to a staging yet....we'll see...any day he'll just show up and won't be able to when i got my ipod this summer, i was to say ..addicted to it.....kevin was all "get off the computer" "enough with the ipod", but guess who can't stay away from it now? Mister man himself. Good times, now we can both obsess about the same thing, and not whether we left the coffee pot on (even have a timer on it), if the door is locked..ah yes. OCD - behvaior modification, or cognitive restructuring?

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