Tuesday, November 1, 2005

The brain is in control - and its messin with me !!!

Posted by Picasa The other day I got a letter in the mail from my Fraternity, saying they were starting a scholarship for one of the brothers in my chapter who died.....oddly enough the name of the brother who died had the same name as someone who was in my pledge class............but it wasn't the same guy- it was someone i had never met. At any rate i had a fit and was very upset until i got a hold of someone and found out the deal (as it turns out the guy was murdered by another guy - with a hatchet.....messed up)

Anyway - the reason i bring this up is because that night i had dreams all night long - and it started with someone i had met a while ago - and that person was supposedly dead.....but since it was just someone who i met at a club - it didn't upset me in my dream that much..then the nightmare continued into being told that someone i went to grade school with had been killed. This is someone who i have not thought about or even remembered in many many years......soooo strange. The strangest part though is that i felt myself crying in the dream - being able to process that "oh man nathan i know this is a dream - but i will be crying in my sleep" I woke up with tears streaming down my face - sobbing, so much so that i woke kevin up. !!!!!!!

In a strange way it was cleansing - but man - the brain and unconcious mind never cease to amaze me. Unreal man, unreal. and creepy - just in time for halloween.


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