Thursday, April 26, 2007

looks like you've been eatin paste..

  • I drive to work sometimes, sometimes i take the train, other times i ride my bike. I am very very versitile in some areas of my life. With any, or all, of the various modes of transportation I end up cursing someone, or thing, out. I find myself yelling at that jackass in front of me in the parking garage who is going -5 mph to get that spot all the way on top....or even, sometimes i throw a minor temper tantrum when it begins to rain and I am on my bike. My sweet ass melts, mamma nature. Anyway, this day, today....i am frustrated like no other day. I can't pinpoint why. I think it's because i had to go to Target before work today to get dog food. It's so annoying.....i was haulin ass all over philly to get that dog some food. The nerve of him huh?
  • This guy. This guy at the gym. He makes me feel uneasy. The way he stares. He's older, well -built (what does well - built mean anyway - shouldn't that describe a car.... or toaster?) It's uncomfortable and it's strange. I try to keep my mind off the fact that he is always staring. Then i begin to i do that? To the guy who has grown his hair out and is so so tan, and straight....does he get funny feelings from me?
  • No. I don't stare, i don't have lingering stares. Mine are fast, like a toads tongue - sticky and flashy. and leave you feeling like you've missed something. I tend not to look longingly at people. Over the last month though i've tried something different. I realized that i don't present myself well. I tend to lower my head when meeting someone else's glances. In an act of low self esteem i pump downwards with my neck. So in the last month, i've literally kept my head held high. And i have to report, it makes a difference.
  • People recieve you with higher regard when you are able to assert your worth in the first seconds of gesture. My little lesson for the day...seems easy and simplistic, but it took work for me to be aware of this. And I am so so much more popular as a result now.
Seacrest .....out.

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